The Good News Lutheran College Junior School building is a new two storey facility that provides the College with a combination of collaborative zones, dedicated STEM and LOTE classrooms, associated staff areas and a flexible use performance space with 153 seat, retractable seating.

Internally, there has been an emphasis on natural materials, with extensive plywood lining and feature Spotted Gum battens to the staircases and void balustrading. Strategically placed voids to each of the buildings emphasise the building volume and encourage natural lighting throughout the building.

Located at the corner of the site, the Junior School building is arguably the most prominently placed building for the College, with the building form maximising the opportunity presented by an extended street frontage along Caraleena Drive with the exploration of positive and negative void forms.

A combination of metal cladding, pre-finished CFC and brickwork, including a striking, two storey toffee apple red glazed brick wall fronting the College car park achieve a strong street presence.